Sunday, January 22, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: boatbuilder interested in fuel cells


Hi Chuck,

Fuel cells are still very expensive compared to batteries (even lithium) so really only practical to consider for long-term energy needs (e.g. to replace a conventional generator) and even then membrane life is still a big concern. If you are going to be sailing mostly on the Bay, a nice set of lithium batteries will suit you well and with a cat, your options for wind/solar charging are good.

What kind of research have you done so far? If you are 'hooked' on fuel cells, take a look at Oorja - I think about $23K for their 20KWH/day model.


--- In, charles prince <princly1@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone , new to this forum.  Thinking about building 27 foot catamaran (Horstmanns 27cat design see Ed Horstmanns website)prototype utilizing fuels cells. Built sailboats for 30 years in Hawaii so not a construction problem but entirely electrical application tres difficile.  Open to ideas and collabs. I live in Silicon valley  meetups anyone?     best ,chuck

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