Monday, January 23, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: Electric motors and salt water


I am aware of 3 boats with Electric Yacht motors that have been sold with the electric motor in place. I don't know how the selling price compares to what price the owner would have gotten with a good diesel. It would be up to the former owner or buyer to comment further.

The point is boats are being sold with EP in place. I have no doubt it is more difficult to find a buyer. With broader acceptance, it should get easier.

Electric Yacht

--- In, Robert Jorgenson <falcolnxp@...> wrote:
> very good responce = have owned a boat since I was 6 y/o 65 years in all
> boat owner ship is a money pit.
> My personal philosopy on boat size is that if you cannot afford to be on the water 1/2 of your waking hours your boat is
> toooooooooo Bigggggggg
> My thought for the day
> Capt. Bob
> Professional skipper
> PS Looking for a single or couple to join me on my next voyage for 1 to 6 months, somewhere between Alaska and Mexico
> 30 ft trailerable Hybird Colombia 9/10 sail 1/10 electric

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