Saturday, January 21, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: Electric motors and salt water


Just some thoughts from a dealer: Item 1, I agree with your concern that you will not get your money out of re-powering with electric. You will not get your money out of re-powering with diesel. You will not get your money out of owning a boat. That the way it is.
Item 2 is salt water environment. You should not have a lot of saltwater in your engine compartment. It has not been an issue with boats we have done both with and without dripless systems. Keep it clean. You can rinse off the electric with fresh water (try that with a diesel). Last time I checked there is an electric motor normally low in the compartment and very rarely taken care of and its job is to start the diesel.
If you like the Coronado 35, a pretty big boat not known for speed, it will give you a lot of cruising enjoyment. Go for it.
We have just completed a much larger boat with an electric system and the owner was facing the very same issues we all face. The public is still not there with electric. But Hunter now has the e36 and the e27. Other boat builders will be bringing out electric and electric hybrid systems.
I think electric hybrid is a good way to go with a Coronado 35.
I am looking at one this week in San Diego for a re-power. Arby was very elegant in his response about re-powering. Electric is good for the sailor and not so good for the power boater who owns a sailboat. There is a fine difference. The hybrid allows you to be both. Hybrid can be parallel or serial. If you are going to cruise the boat and want comfort you would likely need electric power anyway.
Enough of my rambling and since I sell the systems I do have a perspective. And like Arby, I also have some customers who are really enjoying their sailing.
Electric Yachts of Southern California

--- In, "Jeff" <miragevideo@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am considering a repowering for my Coronado 35. I like the idea of an electric auxiliary, but am concerned about two things. 1- resale potential considering an electric power source is not mainstream boating and 2 - Electric parts and a salty environment are not good partners.
> Any comments on these two points?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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