Saturday, August 23, 2014

Re: [Electric Boats] Half launch today.


I finally moved from the service dock today. I did a few bollard pull tests before leaving and the system was drawing 76A at 52.3V for about 3950 watts. I might need a more powerful prop in order to hit the 100A target; we'll see. 

The Electroprop system is quiet and smooth and very powerful. I can't spend any time on Fugu this weekend but I will have all next weekend to do performance runs and hopefully collect some meaningful data. 

It feels great to finally be on the water with my electric boat! It's definitely generating a lot of interest along my dock...

Also, while leaving the service dock for the first time, my wife was hesitant to get on the boat and have us drifting, in case there was no power. She forgot that once the key was turned, the system was "on", despite being utterly silent. Needless to say, she is very pleased with the result. 


On Aug 19, 2014, at 15:59, "Jason Taylor [electricboats]" <> wrote:


So today, I launched my boat, Fugu.
It's only a half launch as the batteries are not yet installed. The water is staying on the proper side of the hull so all is well.
I should have the batteries installed tomorrow and then I'll motor away from the service dock and take my slip.
It's a long roads do finally feel like I'm almost home.




Posted by: Jason Taylor <>
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