Saturday, August 9, 2014

Re: [Electric Boats] Desiderata


"PISQUE1969 ." surv1895 ,

I could not agree more. My boat is a sail boat first and foremost. The 2.5kW rated motor (assuming 24V max supply to controller. It could be more say 72V) is an auxilliary that allows me to get in and out of harbour and motor a little in calm conditions with my 8,000 lb loaded displacement sailing boat. I rarely use more than 1,000 Watts for any of that. I wish folk would focus on what they actually use rather than what they think they need.

Use power and you'll end up with too many expensive batteries. Sail more, motor less and add a little solar and leave your time agenda back on land. If you need more power, use a diesel where fuel is packaged in nice cheap, low volume, light weight, easily transportable tanks and you can burn it to your heart's content.

If my boat had more room and I had more money I might have had 4 x 8D batteries where a higher system voltage would have been good even if I'd never use 48V with direct drive. For example I rarely use more than 18V which is about 750 shaft RPM, so 2 batteries does for me with a separate 2 x 4D inverter bank to do silent charge to main bank to reduce Peukert effect on main bank, when needed.

Having said all that, if you do choose an auxilliary sail boat motor, be prepared to learn to sail well to avoid lee shore conditions. on the flip side in calms. Enjoy the calm and sail when there is wind. Over the last 1,000 miles with my little electric, my sailing has improved. life is quieter and less rushed and I have kept my costs down to near that of a replacement 10hp diesel.

PS I've had 48 motorcycles, so I  get the 98cc Ducati thing. I'm a fan of folk that travel the globe on Honda C90s

Yours a reforming petrol head.


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