Friday, March 12, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Bloomenergy and fuel cells


Thank you Thumper for the link.  

After reading the article twice, I have a few comments.  

First up is this block is no more than a converter.  It takes air (which is free) and carbon fuel (expensive and heavy) and controls a oxide reaction (burns the fuel) and there by produces electricity, heat and exhausts.  It produces electrical energy from chemically stored energy ... this also describes an engine.

It will be more efficient than the grid.  .... Well maybe not if one enters the energy, pollution, and time needed to transport the hydrocarbons to each location.  It will add more traffic and will distribute pollution.  

It doesn't use solar.  ... at least no directly.

The article is truthful.  But is very misleading.  This is what the powers to be do the best. smile

Do y'all really want to hook up your house to the gas pump?  


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