Monday, March 22, 2010

[Electric Boats] Newbie



As a new member, the moderator suggested that I,
"Feel free to introduce yourself to our membership by posting an email."

So, here goes.

I am 63 years old, retired and have lived near lake St. Clair and have been a boater most of my life.

I have been conducting research and development of pulse desulfation circuitry for about 10 years. I am one of the moderators of the forum at,

Having finally figured out how to maintain a battery to enable a 20-30 year lifespan I thought it time to get into electric boats, especially with the cost of gas being what it is.

I have acquired a 16-foot fiberglass planning hull, which eventually will be converted to run on an electric drive system.

I realize it is the worst hull for conversion, as displacement hulls are best. But, my primary aim at this point is to conduct research and development of drive systems. A roomy, trailerable hull affords the opportunity to progress from a 12v ganged trolling to outboard eventually to a 120v inboard I/O system

From my experience with batteries I will definitely be using flooded cell batts and recharging them with a custom built pulse charger.

I will be avoiding AGM batts owing to their short life span due to dehydration from leaking cell pressure relief valves.

The first boating season I hope to collect drive system data running 12v systems with an 18-24v battery bank with a custom built PWM controller.

Fair winds and following seas,


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