Saturday, July 11, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] About to convert

John Delia wrote:
> Definitely another point to consider. Thanks, John
>> Minor point - there are in fact 2 generations of Etek motor - the original
>> was brushed - the later brushless. Some of the brushed versions seem to
>> still be around and there are now also larger "clones" available of that
>> model.
There are number of DC brushed variants of the Lynch permanent magnet
motor around. The Etek was just one of a number. I'm using a 'Perm 132'
based on the same Lynch pattern.

Cedric Lynch seems to have been a far better engineer than businessman
(as usual :-) and several manufacturers similar motors for which Lynch
doesn't appear get any license fees for - there seems to be some
controversy over this. His parting with Lemo who owned the IP on the
'Lynch Motor' doesn't seem to have been on good terms - Agni's 'who'
page says his parting with Lemco ended up in court, and Lemco
subsequently went into Liquidation. (But not before transfering it's IP
assets (Lynch's motor design) to another company, thus 'protecting' that
'asset' from the liquidators).

The Eteks were licensed from Lemco.

The Agni motor seems to be even more efficient that the Etek/Lemco -
but it's still a brushed DC motor, not one of these 'new age' 3 phase AC
jobs like the 'brushless DC' Mars for example.

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