Thursday, July 30, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: project - hands-free electric fishing boat for shallow water


--- In, "john_zimmerlee" <john_zimmerlee@...> wrote:
> My invention took first prize in the 2008 Int'l Concept Boat Design Competition. You can see it in action at
> Four majot kayak manufacturers expressed interest but none could take on a new project in this economy.
> Start up costs for manufacturing prohibit me from producing it myself.
> I have now simplified the boat design so that anyone with modest tools can build the boat from materials at Home Depot for less than less than $120.
> The controls, motors, augers, and battery . . . start adding up fast.
> Question?
> Is there a market of tinkerers that would buy plans and foot controls for about $400 . . . when the final product would take just two weekends and cost a total of about $1000?
Hey John,

I wanted you to know that I have seen your boat and am proud of you for thinking outside the box by devising a platform for getting into the most inaccessible places with incredible maneuverability and without tearing up the environment. I don't personally have any use for a craft such as yours, but when people ask me about my ideas for an electric boat they just don't get it. I f you described your boat to me I wouldn't have understood it either, but it's awesomein it's actual simplicity! I have an 18' catboat that I'm converting and I wish I had your brains to come up with something as cool as yours. I wish you the best of luck with the business and I will make sure that anyone I know who goes into stream, lakes and other redtrictive bodies of water know that there is an incredibe boat made just for them!


Kevin Torpey

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