Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Abusive and dangerous Re-Epower technical specification


The key feature of any PM DC motor is, that RPM is directly proportional
to supply voltage:
- You can turn throttle to maximum without any load, and RPM = k *
voltage. Note: No excessive revs possible! Note: Knowing this "k", you
can see motor RPM directly from input voltage reading.
- If there is a heavy load, you still get RPM = k * voltage.
This means that you can increase HP simply by loading the motor more and
more. Input current figure only increases accordingly. And input power
to motor is voltage * current.

Indeed, it is possible to load more heavily for instance by changing a
gear ratio or by increasing the propeller pich,

In practice there is an input ampere limit, as coils inside motor start
to get heated due to their ohmic resistance, if too high current figures.


Myles Twete wrote:
>> Just don't forget that when going through gear reduction the HP gets
> multiplied even though there is a loss going through the gears. Even with
> e-motors! Thank You again!!!!!
> No.
> HP doesn't get multiplied with gears. Power is only lost, not gained thru
> gearing unless another power source is involved. Torque and speed change
> with gearing. Step UP gearing will multiply speed and divide torque. Step
> DOWN gearing will multiply torque and divide speed.
> That's the way it is.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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