Friday, July 24, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] torgeedo motors


Hi Hans,

Sorry its taken a few days to get back to you...

She is an ex-racer designed by Lock Crowther for Cathy Hawkins and
Ian Johnston who built her in 1985 using strip plank western red
cedar below waterline and balsa elsewhere. She was refitted as a
cruiser by Jeff Schionning in 2004, and he's done an excellent job of
converting what was limited accommodation into a very useful interior
layout. He's improved her looks somewhat as well with the raised
cabin and extension aft.

Her first major race was the single-handed San Francisco to Hawaii
back in 1986 and she won that and then continued to win almost every
race she entered for the next 5 or 6 years. I believe she still holds
the trans-tasman record. She's still pretty fast but carries slightly
more weight than in her racing days.

She's remarkably docile and forgiving for such a thoroughbred and
makes a fantastic cruising boat. (Mind you, docking can be
troublesome at times - its rather like parking a tennis court!)

I have some interior photos here somewhere and will put them up soon.

I'm so pleased with the Torqeedo and in the past week I've received
quite few comments about the motor from on-lookers who were on shore
when she went back in the water. The typical comment is "Man! What
engine have you got in that? It took off like a rocket. I can't
believe its an electric motor." Its seems its now a topic of
conversation around the boatyard and caused quite a few dropped jaws
around here.

I've been busy with other things and haven't had a chance to do more
speed tests but will post them here when I do so.



On 20/07/2009, at 4:08 PM, Hans Kloepfer wrote:

> Chris,
> I love your trimaran. I was wondering what make it is. I looked
> around your site and didn't find many interior photos. Would love
> to see some. Very cool and functional installation you have going
> with the torqueedo. Keep up the good work.
> Hans
> .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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