Just a note of caution on the brushless motors - it's nearly impossible to diagnose them when something goes wrong without the special programmer widget they sell for almost as much as a spare controller ("MOSFET error" isn't terribly descriptive.
If I had to do it all over again, I would use a brushed motor.
--- In electricboats@
> Hi John !
> I am also in the first stage of converting my Ericson 27 to electric. I,
> however, am thinking of the Etek permanent magnet DC 48 volt by Briggs
> and Stratton. I have looked at the scripts on the Mars Electric
> ME020613001 and the price is the same as the Briggs ($450.00). Hopefully
> this Sunday I can start removing my Volvo Penta MB10A, along with the
> fuel tank. Give me a call at 619-424-9800, six days a week (my business)
> any time between 5:30 am and 7:30 pm Pacific Standard Time.
> I choose the Etek because I believe this is the one now being used by
> SolidNav which bought the rights from Sea-EV. I have seen the SolidNav
> installed in a 27 footer in San Diego but have not taken a test ride.
> What convinced you to go with the Mars ?
> Don Swanson
> On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 13:25:24 -0000 "bzalto" <bzalto@...> writes:
> I am about to convert a 27' Cheoy lee with a frozen diesel and don't want
> to make any more stupid mistakes than I might without advice from people
> who have already undertaken this type of project. I have heard that the
> Mars motor is the best choice. Is this the general consensus? apparently
> some people in the marina where I am situated have not had good success
> with conversions because of lack of sufficient power to get in and out of
> the marina. Thanks, John
> ____________
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