Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Re: [electricboats] High power

Luke,  Just a comment.  As we all know, it's a LOT about the prop.  In my experimentation I've found that the Torquedo props seem to be highly engineered.  One of the most efficient setups I ever did was with 24 v. MotorGuides and Torq. props.  You have to re-engineer the hub for use but that's not a bigdeal.  I'll attach a photo.

Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 10:20 PM
Subject: [electricboats] High power

Hi all,
I'm very new here and very excited to have found such a great resource.
I'm a pretty new owner of a '79 Catalina 30.  I've been researching going electric for a year or so.  I've recently come up with a crazy idea that I would love to have someone shoot down so that it stops keeping me awake at night :)
Please tell me all the reasons it would be foolish to replace a normal motor with 2 (or 3 or 4) thrusters such as this: 

Please note that the specific motor is not the focus of this question - thats just an example of a high power submersible motor that I have in mind.

My thoughts are benefits would be:
Possibly more efficient given 2, 3 or 4 props vs 1?
Installing by epoxying to the hull, installation wouldn't be that difficult?
Improved maneuverability in tight places
No prop walk
Improved regen?

Many thanks for your thoughts!

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