Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Re: [electricboats] High power

I am sitting here looking at my new ePropulsion Spirit 1.0 EVO in its box in my living room. I am very excited about using it in my newly acquired Selway Fisher 15' Northumbrian sailing coble. (My living room looks like a chandlery now.)

It's a perfect fit, the battery can go into the lazarette, and the remote controller can go wherever is convenient. Less clutter in the cockpit than the tiller version. The EVO version is regenerative, but you have to be doing 4 kt to get any charging. IDK if my crew will be able to row that fast! Hopefully there will be a little breeze this season.

The ePropulsion has better numbers than the Torqeedo and was cheaper. Plus great customer service from Annapolis Hybrid Marine. I was lucky and ordered it just before a shipload of them came in. Still waiting for the carrying bag set, but it's expected soon.

The eProp pods are impressive, but the Spirit is a better fit for my boat. 

Greg DeCowsky

"It is known that men from the sea are inveterate liars and thieves...."

Governor Hualpa Uturuncu in Naomi Novik, Crucible of Gold

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