Wednesday, May 19, 2010





That 900 + 720w = 1620w…if the chargers actually try to deliver that much in DC, their AC input would require at least 1700w.  The EU2000i might manage this or might not.  It'll be close—but then, that's only if all these were max'ed out.  Here's what will happen if it goes over: The generator will shut down due to overload.  Your recourse?  If you can't throttle back a charger, then you'll have to be able to physically remove one or more of your chargers---so be prepared to do this!

I tried plugging a 20amp and 25amp Lester 36v golf cart charger into my EU2000 only to have it overload.

Similarly, plugging in the 20amp Lester and a home-made Vicor supply that dished out an additional 28amps failed.  So I pulled out one of the 4amp modules---at 24amps plus the 20amp from the Lester, the genset ran for a minute or so, then shutdown.  I had to pull out one more 4amp module before it wouldn't groan under the load.  In the end, I could get about 40amps into 36v steady---i.e. about 1440watts continuous, all day long.  As the Vicor is about 85% or better efficient and the Lester, oh, perhaps 80%, I figure the genset was putting out  nearly 1700watts or so.  So this is just a warning.




From: [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] QUAD BATTERY CHARGERS FOR A 48 VOLT BANK



Thanks Arby & Chris for the replies.


I'm going ahead and will be ordering a Dual PS4 for the boat.  Good to know they have good customer support too.  BTW I found out this charger works for flooded and AGM''s if you are using Gels they need to provide an different charge curve voltage when you order.  I understand that the DUAL PRO may not work as I expect in my powering experiment and certainly thermal shutdown is a possibility but, it's worth a try. My Zivan NG-1 can push my 30 foot 8 ton sailboat along at just under three knots with it's 16 amp output. It is maxed out at that point. If I can then start to draw down the battery bank a little and then power up the Dual Pro which can add up to an additional 15 amps to each battery in the bank I am hoping I can get a few more amps to the motor without drawing down the battery bank. I may not be able to get the full 15 amps from each output of the Dual Pro because of the thermal shutdown issue Arby mentioned. But an additional say seven amps on each battery could add up to a nice bump up in current (in theory)Image removed by sender.. The 900 watts from the Zivan and the max 720 watts from the Dual Pro should be within the power capabilities of the 2000 watt Honda (again in theory). I'll report back on how it goes.  But, even if it does not work out as I expect at least it should be better able to balance the battery bank and at the same time  have a backup  battery charger for the boat.  I look at this as probably the last addition that I will need to make for my electric propulsion system.


Capt. Mike



--- On Wed, 5/19/10, Arby bernt <> wrote:

From: Arby bernt <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] QUAD BATTERY CHARGERS FOR A 48 VOLT BANK
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 3:20 AM


I've been installing the Dual Pro PS4 with excellent results (+10pcs).

I did have one unit which required a warranty service. They faxed me a UPS label, and the unit was repaired and returned quickly.
Had I not clipped off a corner to fit it in the boat, they offered to send me an exchange outright.

The PS4 is not designed to operate as a power supply off a genny, and will overheat if overtaxed.

The LED display correctly identified a weak AGM battery, which was replaced without incident. Very handy.

Downsides: The unit is unwieldy to mount, as it relies on old school transformer technology. On the other hand, it can work off a 15a 100vac supply. Some of those remote slips get some pretty droopy power, but the Dual Pro auto-corrects with the heavy transformer. Worth the install effort. Order the hair extenders if the supplied 4ft battery leads won't reach. The original battery wires cannot be extended practically, as they have thermistors in the rubber blocks for battery temperature sensing.

Be Well,



From: Mike <biankablog@verizon. net>
To: ELECTRIC BOATS <electricboats@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Tue, May 18, 2010 4:20:35 PM


I'm about to start my third season with electric propulsion and plan to order a quad type battery charger in addition to the 48 volt Zivan NG-1 charger already installed. I'm doing this to hopefully keep the four 210 amp AGM batteries in the bank in a better balanced state when charging rather than just using the Zivan which sits across the entire bank. I'm also hoping I can use this second charger along with the Zivan to add a few more amps to the controller when motoring and hence more speed without depleting the battery bank. But, the primary purpose will be to balance the battery bank. I'm considering two quad chargers


1) Is a Dual Pro



2) The second is a Genius


I'm leaning toward the Dual Pro unit because it seems to have more LED indicators as to the charge condition of the battery. But, any comments or any other choices in quad chargers  would be welcome.


Capt. Mike



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