Saturday, May 29, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Safety weekend


G'day Keith, All

At 04:02 AM 30/05/2010, Keith wrote:
>We've lost 3 good sailors here in CA recently, so I'm spending the
>weekend upgrading my safety profile. <snip>
>I still can't sustain > 60amps without overheating, so that's a concern.

Which component/components can't sustain 60 amps? I'd assume only the
controller or motor could overheat and tell you (anything else would
just melt down and stop)?

Care to give a basic system description, or do you already have it in
hand? (If you have it in hand already, please describe your mods).

A controller usually just goes into a shut-down mode, but motors are
often suffering by the time their thermal switch comes on, so if it's
the motor you'll probably want to do something about it soon.

What are the options to add cooling?


[Technik] James

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