Wednesday, May 26, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: advice for catamaran project



I think that I'm getting a better understanding of your concerns. I'm on your side. For example, my wife and I buy organic foods, more expensive, no nutritional improvement, but much less environmental impact.

You may have read on this board about my ongoing electric conversion of my 30' ketch. Alternatively, I repowered my F-27 trimaran with a 9.8hp Tohatsu outboard. I've also got a Torqeedo 801 for my dinghy, primarily for its storability. All different requirement envelopes, with different solutions.

And to your question, I would expect the 20hp outboards would be running at less than 1/3 throttle for 5kts so 2l/hr should be close. In fact I think that one motor would drive your catamaran at 5kts in most conditions at less than full throttle for even more savings. The nice thing about that plan is higher speeds available for long transits or plenty of reserve power for adverse conditions.

Fair winds and good luck with your project,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, "nzsilvia" <nzsilvia@...> wrote:
> hi eric
> diesel is considerably cheaper in nz due to the road tax being paid seperately while it is included in the price of petrol. you are right though it would take me a very long time to recover the difference if ever.. (unless i mannaged to work out a very cost effective way of doing diesel electric) i've just always hated going along burning 4 lires an hour knowing i could be burning 3.. one of the reasons why i have sold my planing boat and i am now going to a displacement boat with sails! the new technology certainly does interest me too and the possibility of regen etc if i were to have a battery bank in the future is appealing.. i have not ruled outboards out completely yet though if d/e is going to be unobtainably exensive for me i will follow that route. thank you for your advice it is good to know about all options.. would 20 horses really only burn 2l/hr? i had heard similar figures for 9.9's
> thanks.
> adam.

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