Monday, May 31, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Safety weekend


Sorry to hear your season is ending. I never think of winter when I think of your area of the world.  I'm a little late getting in the water this year myself but, also not rushing it either. Taking care of some projects that did not get done over the winter due to the snows we had. Like installing a helm wiring access port so I can easily route the throttle, key and other cables to the helm position and remove or change them easier. I'm also repositioning one of the wind generator support poles so that it does not rub on the main sheet on certain positions of sail. I'm also extending a Bimini to allow the installation of two 48 volt solar panels for charging the battery bank.  Only had one operating last year.
Now as far as safety. I just posted about my YIKES moment when I was installing my electric propulsion system. If I had not spent so much time down below in the electric propulsion install I might not have found out about this problem until it was too late. You can see what I discovered here:
When thinking about safety don't neglect the boats basic systems. Also don't always rely on the mechanical or electrical propulsion systems if you are in a sailboat. Have a backup plan whenever you can.

--- On Mon, 5/31/10, Matthew Geier <> wrote:

From: Matthew Geier <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Safety weekend
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010, 5:48 AM

On 31/05/10 12:59, James Massey wrote:
> Aaahh.. Northern Hemisphere, coming into late spring. Here we've
> mostly put away the summer toys...

I pulled the motor and controller out of my boat for dry indoor
storage over the winter this weekend - after one of the wettest May's
for many years. My boat probably won't be out of the driveway again till
mid/late October. It has to move by November, I need to get the trailer
inspected to renew it's registration....

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