Sunday, May 23, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re-use of gauges


Thanks for the input. I've added a few comments below.

--- In, James Massey <jcmassey@...> wrote:
> G'day Pat, All
> At 11:57 PM 22/05/2010, Pat wrote:
> >After removing the 40 hp mercury engine <snip> Does anyone have any
> >good ideas for using them in some useful way?
> >
> >The fuel gauge is next. I thought about recommissioning it as a
> >volt meter for the 48 volt pack. I could create a set-up that
> >causes it to go from empty to full as the battery bank goes from 48
> >to 51 volts (or whatever the right numbers are).
> Haven't got one yet, but I'm planning to use one of these (although I
> see they're out of stock at the moment):
> to convert amp-hours used to a fuel gauge reading.

I hadn't seen that before. I would definitely look into it except my torqeedo already has similar function built in. For those not familiar, the Torqeedo remote throttle displays four measurements on its lcd display - percentage of battery capacity remaining, remaining range in miles or km, current speed (using gps), and power being used. You can optionally display battery voltage instead of percentage remaining, but not both. That's why I thought of using the fuel gauge to display battery voltage in some way.
> >The third gauge is a tach. It would be nice if it could measure
> >prop rpm's, but I can't think of any easy way sense that.
> IMHO prop revs are way down on the list of things to want to watch,
> far more important to watch amp draw, however:

I agree. I have no real reason to want to know prop revs other than being able to re-use the tach for something. As I mentioned in another post, I am now thinking about using it as a wind speed indicator. That's not something I really need either, but if I have the stuff to do it in my junk drawer, I might give it a try.


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