Monday, June 1, 2015

Re: [Electric Boats] Need source for 48v. panel controller and panels-- my next step !


I resemble that remark

eric SV Meander

---In, <twowheelinguy@...> wrote :

..... Understanding this kind of stuff is a problem for me sometimes as a mechanical engineer in an electrical/electronic world so please make any explanations ot the most fundamental level possible if you can. 

On Monday, June 1, 2015 8:50 AM, "cirejay@... [electricboats]" <> wrote:


Help me out.  The way you present it, it's a 'no brainer'  Given that space can be an overriding factor on a boat, 20% efficiency vs.10-12%  may win out, even with the 100% premium.

As I have been comparing panels though, it doesn't necessarily seem to work out that way. It looks more like 16% efficiency for $1.40 per watt vs. 20% for $2.00 per watt.

Assuming that flexible panels would not necessarily be a plus in my installation, an that panel configuration either way, is there another reason to go with the sun power panels?

Thanks for your always helpful inputs,
eric SV Meander 

---In, <matwete@...> wrote :

Hey Cal-
Good to hear you haven't given up on e-boating. J
For 40amps and 48v, you're looking at about 2kw.
To get the most power per area and to keep things light, you'd want to not skimp on your panels---ie. don't buy 10-12% efficient, $1/watt panels that are framed and heavy.
Rather, you'd want to invest in the 20% efficient, unhoused SunPower flexible arrays which run about $2/watt and available any day, online and on ebay.  For $4k, you can get your 2kw.
For 2kw, at 20% efficiency, you need at least 10sq-meters of solar cells.
And practically, at our latitude, you'd still not get 2kw, but let's say this did tell the whole story.
You'd need a bimini area approx. 6.5ft x 16ft to get your 2kw.  Do you have that much roof space?  How about half of that?
Here's a 135watt Sunpower panel:
Pick up 16 of those and for less than $5k you're cooking with solar.
How deep are your pockets?

On Monday, June 1, 2015 8:50 AM, "cirejay@... [electricboats]" <> wrote:


Help me out.  The way you present it, it's a 'no brainer'  Given that space can be an overriding factor on a boat, 20% efficiency vs.10-12%  may win out, even with the 100% premium.

As I have been comparing panels though, it doesn't necessarily seem to work out that way. It looks more like 16% efficiency for $1.40 per watt vs. 20% for $2.00 per watt.

Assuming that flexible panels would not necessarily be a plus in my installation, an that panel configuration either way, is there another reason to go with the sun power panels?

Thanks for your always helpful inputs,
eric SV Meander 

---In, <matwete@...> wrote :

Hey Cal-
Good to hear you haven't given up on e-boating. J
For 40amps and 48v, you're looking at about 2kw.
To get the most power per area and to keep things light, you'd want to not skimp on your panels---ie. don't buy 10-12% efficient, $1/watt panels that are framed and heavy.
Rather, you'd want to invest in the 20% efficient, unhoused SunPower flexible arrays which run about $2/watt and available any day, online and on ebay.  For $4k, you can get your 2kw.
For 2kw, at 20% efficiency, you need at least 10sq-meters of solar cells.
And practically, at our latitude, you'd still not get 2kw, but let's say this did tell the whole story.
You'd need a bimini area approx. 6.5ft x 16ft to get your 2kw.  Do you have that much roof space?  How about half of that?
Here's a 135watt Sunpower panel:
Pick up 16 of those and for less than $5k you're cooking with solar.
How deep are your pockets?


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