Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Re: [Electric Boats] Did the Math, and bucks, and looking less like a barge - NO - 48v. panel controller and panels-- my next step !



If this was Facebook I'd give you a like

eric SV Meander

---In, <twowheelinguy@...> wrote :

Thems fightin words Cal. lol

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and as someone who you might characterize as having a yetchy solar barge I can tell you from experience that the majority of people we meet think it looks awesome, a pretty big percentage are simply indifferent, and the very,very few that are somehow offended by it are usually sailors that think I wrecked a perfectly good sailboat, which as a devoted sailor myself, I wouldn't argue with except for the fact that the 30 year old wooded rigging was rotting to pieces when I got the boat and I basically saved it from becoming an artificial reef. So my conscience is clear on that matter.

As for marinas excluding you for having too many solar panels, I have found the exact opposite. Since our budget precludes staying in marinas during our extensive solar powered travels and we almost always hang off the hook, we are frequently offered complimentary dockage because people are so interested in what we've done.

Cleaning the panels has never been an issue except for the occasional bird bomb which you would clean off your dodger or bimini too and I have never found wind to be the slightest  issue. And they work surprising well in partly cloudy weather. And the panels offered great shade on sunny days.

An aesthetic objection to solar is idiotic in my opinion, even for the most obnoxious of applications. Some people think they are beautiful, a very few think they are ugly and personally I just think they ARE WHAT THEY ARE, (a source of free electricity to run my boat). As the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright once commented, "Form follows function" .

Capt. "dweeb" Carter

On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 12:42 AM, "'cal' h20dragon@... [electricboats]" <> wrote:


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