Sunday, November 13, 2011

[Electric Boats] feed back and ideas...


I'm going to toss out somethings for the group to take shots at.  I have a 40 foot Cruise-a-home hull that at this point is a 40 foot skiff.  The hull had a single Mercruiser TR-lll drive with a big block Chevy in front of it... You can't get parts for the TR drives any longer so it will not be seeing a stern drive. 

A friend gave me all of his running gear off his CH when he converted his to a pair of small outboards. Because he wanted it as a barge home.  So I have his shafts, struts, props and rudders from his twin engine set-up.

The down side to this is the CH shaft angle is 19 degrees to the bottom of the hull, and most of the time the bottom of the hull is 3 to 5 degrees more down angle.  As you can see a fair bit of power goes into lifting the stern and not pushing the hull. I can change the shaft angle by putting in a pair of prop tunnels and get it down to about 10 to 12 degrees or so and at the speeds I'm planing on pushing the boat I don't see an issue with the steep ramp angle into the tunnels

My first plan was to put in a pair of Yanmar 3GM30s and cut the 19x16 inch wheels down to 18x16s. But talking to a friend at a prop shop he suggested drop two inches of pitch and keep the 19 inch dim because you want the blade area for the push. I plan to use a pair of Aquadrive CVB-05.5 to take the thrust loads so any drive I put in the boat only has to deal with the twisting loads of the shaft.

What Don found out after he removed the two tons of engines/trans/v-drives and running gear out of the stern of his boat is the stern of his boat is so light he can't keep the outboard lower units in the water if there is much chop.  So even with mine I may have to add ballast to keep the stern in the water.

My plan at this point is cut the stern down to give me a 30 to 36 inch wide bussle so I can also put a pair if outboards on the stern, and still get around them. Forward of that an aft cabin then a center cockpit. Forward of that the main cabin and forward cabin. I know under the cockpit area I can put an easy two to three tons of weight for engine/motor/genset/ and batteries. 

The rough numbers to work with are, the bussle is three feet and the aft cabin will be seven feet long, so the aft cockpit/engine room bulkhead will be ten feet forward of the transom and the engine room will be seven feet long by about ten feet wide and roughly three feet deep.  I'm going to guess that the boat when done will be about 7 to 8 tons using the numbers from here at the bottom of the page
For all out range a pair of small diesels would be hard to beat.  The range I would need is 50 to 100 miles at a time.  So to get the range I will need a hybrid system over an all electric system.  I would think about going to a 72 volt system if they make a 72 volt alternator to charge the system when you are away from the dock.

So what ideas do you people have for my systems?

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