Monday, November 28, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Low cost wind turbine


I'm not so sure about that damping effect. I think it would just be a matter of tuning the machine to the medium. The belt would probably need to be bigger/heavier/longer but I think it would work. I'll put it on my list of prototypes to build...

--- In, Ben Okopnik <ben@...> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 04:27:58AM -0800, John Green wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Ben, I agree, a real winning piece of thinking - I have to admit
> > that 'no' was my first thought too re a water powered version.
> > However, as water has greater mass, the 'belt' could be extremely
> > smaller, and the stroke maybe larger (or not) to span multiple coils
> > maybe, and possibly not be a belt at all, but a pivoted oscillating fin.
> Unfortunately, the main physical effect that the Windbelt depends on -
> sustained oscillation - can't be sustained under water; water is quite
> good at damping oscillation (in fact, the term "damping" seems
> strikingly apropos here. :)
> > Footnote- As for ram pumps, I lived in a UK hamlet that had one, and the
> > clicking noise was heard a mile away. So, don't even go there :-)
> Funny - I saw one supplying water to a mountain cabin, and it was
> totally silent. Bad bearings, maybe?
> --
> Ben Okopnik
> -=-=-=-=-=-

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