Sunday, November 27, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Low cost wind turbine


Hi, Ben, I agree, a real winning piece of thinking - I have to admit
that 'no' was my first thought too re a water powered version.
However, as water has greater mass, the 'belt' could be extremely
smaller, and the stroke maybe larger (or not) to span multiple coils
maybe, and possibly not be a belt at all, but a pivoted oscillating fin.
The original idea seems very applicable to boats, in that it would be
safe to leave unattended, and hopefully would be fairly silent, added to
which, one frame could support several belts.
Footnote- As for ram pumps, I lived in a UK hamlet that had one, and the
clicking noise was heard a mile away. So, don't even go there :-)


2.4. Re: Low cost wind turbine
Posted by: "Ben Okopnik" pectus_roboreus1
Date: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:43 pm ((PST))

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 01:22:05AM -0000, luv2bsailin wrote:
> It's nice to see young folks thinking outside the box. They are the
> future! That "fluttering belt" concept is ingenious! I love it. I've
> been toying with various ideas for power harvesting over the years,
> and never thought of that one. Maybe the concept could be applied in
> flowing water as well...

Just off the top of my head, the answer is probably "no". Air has little
mass but (usually) moves faster than water; the windbelt leverages that
speed to generate power. With water, the mass is usually the key factor
- i.e., water wheels, dams, ram pumps (*there's* another brilliant and
dirt-simple device for you!), etc.

But hey, don't let me stop you. Great discoveries usually happen because
someone didn't believe that "you can't do that." :)

Ben Okopnik

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