Saturday, November 26, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] 48Volt system simple COTS question


1.  I am not familiar with the Lestronic charger. But if we make the following assumptions: 25 amp max to batteries at 60 volts is 1500 watts out. If the charger is at least 60% efficient then it will draw 2500 watts or less from the AC line. The Honda 3000 may handle this. The manual says 2.8 kva. 

2.  There are several battery monitoring system that will give you info similar to the Torqeedo, e.g. and others used in the RV industry. These will tell you how much energy are consuming and have consumed and how much is left but not expected range.

3.  Having batteries close to electrics is generally okay if you follow reasonable precautions: venting, ignition proof switches, etc.
The wet cell batteries do emit hydrogen gas which is flammable/explosive. I would worry more about the gasoline for the generator.

4.  If I am right about my assumptions on the charger, a 12 gauge 100 ft cable should be okay. It has about 0.2 ohms at that length and will drop about 4 volts at 20 amps. I am 76 and can haul one around fairly easily. Of course, I am assuming you are extending your 120 volt AC service, not the DC from the charger to the batteries.

Good luck,

On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:00 AM, mhhogland wrote:


I need some simple advice.

i have a Ray outboard - 48volt
8 6 volt batteries
1 lestronic II charger


1) can i plug a Honda 3000i generator into the lestronic and run the Ray to get home without damaging any component?

2) what device is available today, that can provide me with more data than the lame red/green gauge Ray comes with? SPECIFICALLY while running? something like torqueedo has.

3) is there a way to safely place 2 of my 6 volt batteries (normal old batteries - not agm, not sealed, not lithium) in my helm console without safeety issues of having the electrics near the battery?
i could build a separation box that vents perhaps. - weight distribution is the objective.

4) i have more than 100 feet from outlet to boat charger, i know the extension cord is too small, so i am going to make a heavier gauge extension cord - what gauge should i use that is above requirement but a 52 year old man can haul around.

i LOVE this group. 3 years of lurking. i dont like it when the "electricboat family" argues though. i am a single parent of 3 teenagers alone - so i know arguing.


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