Wednesday, November 23, 2011

RE: [Electric Boats] battery question





The same type batteries, Lead, AGM, Lithium’s, is very important in a BANK. You can (and in some cases its better) have different banks of batteries on board. HOWEVER not if you are combining banks such as when charging.  I’ve broken the “age” thing a couple times with no huge issue. Upgrading individual banks to better batteries is standard operating procedure. Mind you that the chargers for the banks should be for the type batteries you have in the bank so individual chargers may be required. For instance I have 2 banks of AGM’s and 1 Lead Acid to start the Genset. Since the Propulsion bank is AGM’s but high output “specific” type I have a charger just for them. The house bank has a 144v to 12v charger, and the Genset alternator takes care of the starter battery. Your plan sounds like a good one.


Steve in Solomons MD

Lagoon 410 SE

Thanks guys and this reply touches on another topic.  Dissimilar batteries.  I have read that all the batteries should be the same and the same age.  Is this true or dose it just apply to individual battery banks.  Say you are running a 48v system and you have two or three different banks of batteries around the boat.  Do all need to be the same or just the individual banks need to be the same.  What is driving the question is could you start out with relatively cheap lead acid batteries and as you get closer to full time cruising change out one bank at a time to agms or lithiums? This would also give you some time to figure out your real world requirements.



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