Friday, October 29, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] sailing rules and what?


Hi Bill,

I download my mail with a client called Thunderbird.  This isn't the only client out there however, and all will do the same job.

I use "search" for my answers.  I also display my mail as a tree.  With the tree you can see who is responding to the question at hand making following a legit thread easer but not perfect.

Myles introduced a dbase not to long ago.  This may make searching for information a little easer on this list. I don't know how that project is going or if people are making use of it, I have not even looked at it, my bad.

On the web the "longer your tail" (the longer your description) the better information you get, and you will likely get what you are looking for easer.  You will be giving up chatter from a great group of people however when you mine the list for your info.  Hope to hear from you a bunch in the future as you respond to comments with what you have learned.

Kevin Pemberton

On 10/28/2010 05:16 PM, Bill Spires wrote:

Guys and or Girls,

I am new to this whole groups thing and I do like all the info.  That being said, is there some way to access the info by subject only?  As a USCG captain I can tell you that when we are propelled by an electric motor we are a power vessel and that yes, most people don't know the rules anyway and I can't remember the last time I saw a sailboat motor sailing with the day shape up.  There is all kinds of great info in these post but it eludes me as to how to access what I want to without having to read through all the unrelated stuff.  What if I only want the info on batteries?  A friend of mine, Jim Long, has experience with robotic and computer controller interfaces along with experience in motor control and would be glad to help with a computer interface.  How do I just look for or post to that area?

Capt. Bill

--  Ubuntu10.04, Acer AspireOne, Virgin Mobile 3G Broadband2go. Doesn't get any better than this!

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