Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fw: [Electric Boats] sailing rules and what?



Guys and or Girls,

I am new to this whole groups thing and I do like all the info.  That being said, is there some way to access the info by subject only?  As a USCG captain I can tell you that when we are propelled by an electric motor we are a power vessel and that yes, most people don't know the rules anyway and I can't remember the last time I saw a sailboat motor sailing with the day shape up.  There is all kinds of great info in these post but it eludes me as to how to access what I want to without having to read through all the unrelated stuff.  What if I only want the info on batteries?  A friend of mine, Jim Long, has experience with robotic and computer controller interfaces along with experience in motor control and would be glad to help with a computer interface.  How do I just look for or post to that area?

Capt. Bill

From: Steamboat Willie <>
Sent: Thu, October 28, 2010 7:00:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] sailing rules


I have to agree with Paul..

In my opinion there is only ONE rule that matters and that's Rule 2.  That's the catchall rule that says you do what you have to do to avoid a collision (in which case no-one cares), and if you fail, you're screwed.  All the rest are just "guidelines". 

Bear in mind that "dead right" is still DEAD.  Period.  Think about it.


--- On Thu, 10/28/10, tartan27hull157 <> wrote:

From: tartan27hull157 <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] sailing rules
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 6:18 PM


Thanks guys for helping out with the regs.

I'll say again, nobody here, least of all me, is saying that the regs give any boat the right to cause a collision by standing to her course, so they can win a legal argument later. I don't know why that keeps coming up. Everybody knows that everybody has to try to avoid every collision, regardless of what the rules say. As I said before, this principle is written right into the rules (2 and 17).

I do think it's funny that everyone seems quite sure that they are the only one who knows the rules. It seems like there is a corollary attitude that reads "why should I follow the rules (even though I know them perfectly), since none of these other idiots even know them. I'll just stay out of everyone's way." That leaves you giving way even when you are the privileged vessel, which is certain to cause the other guy to think you don't know the rules. (Maybe that's why everyone thinks everyone else is so dumb...?)

To keep this relevant to electric boats, I'll say again that I think the fact that you can engage your propulsion without anyone knowing you have done so increases your responsibility to carry a day shape, even though it's very uncommon practice and apparently not required on small boats in the inland waterways of the U.S. If you don't or can't carry the day shape, at least recognize that other skippers don't know you are motorsailing, and there is no reason to confuse them further by giving way when they are giving way to you.


--- In, captnlen <trikini2008@...> wrote:
> This is sort of de ja vue. Over on the Great Loop list is a similar
> discussion on passing and overtaking. Started out as waking.
> Of course there are horn signals for this. Might be for crossing too.
> There is one group busy quoting sections of the rules and correcting or
> interpreting it as they see it.
> The other group , which I belong too is the 98%+ of the boats you meet
> out there have little or no knowledge of the rules and options, shapes
> or signals.
> So I approach every situation with that in mind and never assume or take
> on a position or course that even if I am in agreement with the rule may
> not be recognized by the other vessel most of the time and cause an
> incident.
> Rules are great only if both parties know them.
> May be a great defense in court after the incident but I prefer to avoid
> incidents.
> -- Live Long and Prosper
> Capt. Len Susman, retired
> Email : trikini2008@...
> Creator of the TRIKINI Double Outriggers
> 13-17-6.47-23-D-Spider-F41

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