Monday, August 9, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: The big picture


--- In, "Capt. Mike" <biankablog@...> wrote:
> I certainly would do it again with electric propulsion even if I had to run the Honda most of the time. It would be even quieter than running the old diesel and less vibration too, The nice thing abouit the Honda you can move it anywhere on deck. Especially in the calm conditions of the Canal. With the diesel it was always under the cockpit. The noise and vibration caused a lot of fatigue.
> Capt. Mike

Cool, thanks, Cap.

Thinking about how I'd go about transiting a canal or any intended long, constricted run like that, would it make sense to run the generator from the start, and use only as much power as it provides, so you have full batteries in reserve if the generator fails?

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