Monday, August 30, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Retrofiting a classic


Myles , I was hoping to hear from people who have set up for hybrid , or all electric , and secured their batteries etc for open waters , as I hope to do.
Regards Rob J.

From: Myles Twete <>
Sent: Tue, 31 August, 2010 4:09:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Electric Boats] Re: Retrofiting a classic

RJ asked: my question was what do people do to protect their battery bank , or on deck generator from being swamped .


In my case, here's the simple answer: Nothing.


Extended answer: I protect my battery bank as well as I do my propane tank---it's located under the benches at the aft end of the boat.  The batteries could move laterally some, but not much.  Only if the boat tipped at an extreme angle would these batteries significantly move.  The genset is typically tied in place at the front of the boat with a line tied to each of two cleats and sometimes other places.  The genset cannot move much even if the boat tipped at an extreme angle.


Analysis: Swamped?  In 14 years now I've yet to see a wave that will flip or swamp my boat---sure, it could happen, but if it did, I have bigger problems than to worry about my 36v battery bank, the motor or generator.  More important is the significant wave scenario that causes the batteries to shift far enough that the battery posts break.  And that would be worth doing something about.


RJ: Realize that many of us are not building sea-going vessels and so don't have to plan for the extremes of the sea.






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