Saturday, August 28, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: battery bank upgrade



You will need separate chargers for your AGMs and Lithium banks. The batteries have significantly different charging needs. Elcon chargers have different charging profiles available for the common LiFePO4 battery brands on the market. Be sure to confirm that any charger that you are considering has lithium specific profiles available. I spent a couple of months trying to get a properly configured charger from Delta Q, but the factory finally said that they would not release their lithium profiles unless I had bought ALL of my storage equipment, including batteries and BMS through one of their distributors.

But I agree with you, there is no sense in throwing away perfectly servicable equipment when you can transition slowly from one technology to the other. If I were to set up both banks, I would put contactors on both the positive and negative leads from each battery bank so that they can be completely isolated from the other and the drive system. With the chargers wired to the battery sides of the contactors, each bank can be charged independently. One bank can be "activated" to the drive , while the other is being charged. One drawback that I could see is the need for separate instrumentation to track the current in and out of each pack, if you are so inclined. But this configuration should work fairly well.

Fair winds,

--- In, "Brian Holt" <drmsudo@...> wrote:
> Eric- thanks again. I am thinking of one add on bank of LI then I will be able to continue to use the current agm batteries I have with the charger. The future will hopefully hold a much better system. This way I continue to get the $ out of my current design and expand it with the new. Do you know about the charger that will work with my Honda 2k? Thanks.
> Brian

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