Tuesday, June 15, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: Research Vessel Carpe Sol



In addition to Torqeedo, which has a good reputation for performance and quality, you might also look at the following for competitive information.  



Or you could Google "Electric outboard motor" and find many other links.  

Repowering a small sailboat is a pretty straight-forward matter, especially if you are going the outboard route.  Just don't try to save money on the batteries.  Buy big deep cycle batteries.  They cost more to buy but they are much less expensive  and more reliable over their lifetime. 

Harry Wilkins,
The Research Vessel Carpe Sol 
Cell    (813)610-3219
Office (813)968-0788
Fax    (813)792-1162

To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
From: matikanpoika@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:29:37 +0000
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Research Vessel Carpe Sol

Hi Harry

Actually I have no real interest in electric boats, but I would like to move my little sailboat also in absence of wind without the use of a combustion engine and fuel on board. I am not trying to save the planet or anything, I just like it quite and odorless. For the time being I have a heavy 4-stroke outboard hanging on the transom. Once I find something electric fitting my needs I will get rid of it. I am planning to buy a torqeedo, but I am not yet convinced of their reliability.
Why they have all those engines on SolarWave I don't know, but if you have a look at the sponsor list it might explain the reason. It seams everyone wanted to somehow be represented on these 46 feet of swimming advertisement. Anyway, I think the homepage will provide the interested reader with interesting information about energy consumption at sea and on inland waterways.



--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, Harry Wilkins <harry8136103219@...> wrote:
> Matti,
> Thanks for the information. I've been watching the Solar Wave progress for some time. I haven't quite worked out why they have both the Torqeedo outboards and the Aquawatt inboard motors. Other than that mystery, they seem to have designed a nice boat and it should serve them well.
> What is your interest in electric boats?
> Thanks...
> Harry Wilkins,
> The Research Vessel Carpe Sol
> www.rvCarpeSol.com
> hw@...
> Cell (813)610-3219
> Office (813)968-0788
> Fax (813)792-1162
> To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
> From: matikanpoika@...
> Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 10:00:27 +0000
> Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Research Vessel Carpe Sol
> Hi
> I don't have any personal experience with electric engines, but there is a solar catamaran (46 foot) which just started its circumnavigation from Vienna in Austria. The link is: www.solarwave.at
> Anyway there are surely many other solutions for propulsion but the real world experience of this online blog might be interesting for you (since they have two independent electric propulsion systems on board).
> Matti
> --- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "rvcarpesol" <harry8136103219@> wrote:
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I am looking for input on the most efficient electric motor system for a 36 foot, 14,000 pound catamaran. The boat will be a full time live aboard and will travel the inland waters of the USA year round.
> >
> > Thanks for your input
> >

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