Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] celling fan motor...???


Check out how Duffy powers their boats. The motor (Advanced DC) is vertically mounted on the hollow rudder stock. A shaft goes to a gearbox in the center of the rudder, and the prop exits from the rear. This provides great directional thrust without any complex bearings or slip-rings, and keeps the motor nice and dry.


From: Eric <>
Sent: Wed, June 23, 2010 10:18:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] celling fan motor...???



I would think that the extra drag while motoring would be negligable, but the extra drag while sailing would be much higher. With all thrust being transferred to the boat through the rudder, the rudder shaft or gudgeons should be beefed up. I also think that an arrangement like this would do a good job of catching any debris like weeds or kelp and clearing this underway could be problematic.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, John Francis <surv69@...> wrote:
> David
> I always wondered about "offsetting" two pods, one each on either side of
> the rudder. This would bury the pods deeper into the water, give more power
> when needed and definately improve direction control. Not sure if the added
> drag would be a real problem.
> For rudders that have large spacing between the keel and rudder(like a
> fin-keel), I wondered about a forward and backward configuration.
> Thinking and wondering . . . tinkering and pondering . . . wow, being human
> can sometimes be just plain fun.
> John Francis
> Pearson 26
> Port Clinton, Ohio

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