Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re:Research Vessel Carpe Sol


You can read a bit about my catamaran conversion @

I have been operating commercially about 150 days per year with electric
propulsion for 5 years. I don't think I would go with the Thoosa system
if I had it to do over again but it is an option that would work for
you. The Lynch motors have the best power to weight ratio but their
open design is less than ideal in a marine environment.

I would look seriously at the Solid Nav options if you want "off the
shelf" or a system built around the Etek Et-RT.
http://www.thunderstruck-ev.com/etek-r.htm .

I would go with a 48V system for 2 reasons. First there is plenty of
hardware available cince most telecom uses 48V. Second ABS has
theoretically published some draft safety guidelines Re. electric
propulsion and it might be hard to get insurance in the future if your
system is over 48V. I haven't seen the rules but a contact in the
industry says they are probably going to go that way.

Captain Todd Shuster

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