Friday, June 18, 2010

[Electric Boats] Folkboat Conversion


Hi :-)

I am restoring a 25` Folkboat which had an 8hp 2 stroke Stuart P65-ME Petrol Engine. The engine, like the boat, has seen better days.

Unlike the boat I feel little sentiment to the engine especially considering it will probably be very unreliable, hard to source parts and expensive to run. I have to buy a generator for power tools to restore the boat and my first consideration is which generator would be suitable and I would welcome any suggestions.

My research suggests I use a LPG conversion of a petrol generator for best economy mixed with ease of finding fuel and safety. I was assuming that I would get a generator with at least 110v + 240v ac (I'm in the UK) the 110v for running the motor and the 240v for charging batteries and for powering mains electric devices.

I would like the option of producing more power from the prop than the original motor (perhaps 10-12hp equivalent) to fight strong currents while being more efficient and being able to use battery power for up to a few hours at half speed.

I am concerned that DC current from the motor would make a more efficient system, presumably based on what the generator wiring produces but I am no electric wiz and any advise would be great. I'm also concerned that a standard electric generator would not last long at sea or overheat if stored in a sealed compartment.

Essentially I am thinking of a system that either goes:

generator > dc-dc or ac-dc charge controller > 48v battery > 48v motor


generator > 110v controller > motor (while running)
simultaneous > dc-dc or ac-dc charger - batteries > motor (battery mode)

I would also like the generator to work as a combined heat and power system to heat the boat or hot water system.

Any advice would be really helpful



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