Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: celling fan motor...???


At 08:46 AM 23/06/2010, Roland wrote:

>That's what I was afraid of... it just seemed too easy. It would be
>nice to build something out of scratch ( if possible) rather than
>forking out too much...
>Thanx guys

G'day Roland

If you want to build something from scratch, I guess the first thing
is have you got any electronics skills? If so you could build a
simple transistor chopper to control a DC motor, and pick up a motor
out of a pallet truck, small forklift, big mobility scooter, etc.
sized suitable for your 24 footer. One of your local scrap metal
dealers is likely to be able to find you something suitable (probably
over-sized, but better than under sized) cheap.

Next option, if you can't/don't want to build something electronic,
would be to consider a contactor or a "rectactor" controller, which
switches batteries around. Four six-volt batteries would give you 3
speeds - 6V, 12V and 24V, with forward and reverse. At the power you
are likely to be needing, you could use automotive type solenoid contactors.

If you have machining skills you could make a drum-switch to do the
same thing (and no energy losses or electronics to get wet). The down
side of contactor controller, rectactor controller and drum
controller is that there is no fine adjust.

Lots of options, if you can afford to trade a little time to save a
lot of money.


[Technik] James

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