Saturday, May 23, 2020

Re: [electricboats] Measured Performance data sheet

I really like seeing real data.  Thanks to all who have shared.  I have collected data as I have found it from various sources on the interewebs and plotted it for what it's worth.  See attached screen grab of my spreadsheet.  

Dan Pfeiffer


On 2020-05-23 9:59 am, THOMAS VANDERMEULEN wrote:

I agree with Patrick ... incredibly useful.
I've asked a follow-up question elsewhere, but will ask it here too, where it seems more to the point of the post topic.
What is the reduction ratio of your transmission?  [At least, in your photos, it appears that you have some sort of transmission or reduction between the motor and prop shaft.]
I've also already noted elsewhere that you're running a 4-blade wheel of 13" x 15.5" dimensions.  [Also a very helpful detail for verifying 3rd party prop estimating tables.]
Thanks in advance for the additional detail ... I would just like to work out the prop shaft speed to go with prop information.
Tom VanderMeulen
Grace O'Malley
Cape Dory 27
Monroe, MI

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