Saturday, May 23, 2020

Re: [electricboats] 39' sloop conversion

Thanks James. That's what I hoped, and its great to have information from long term to bolster us newbies.


On Sun, 24 May 2020, 12:30 am James Sizemore, <> wrote:
A cycle is generally a large draw down of your battery, under 20% to nearly full again. It takes many small draw downs to say 90% and back to nearly full again to equal one "real" cycle.  As for If solar or A generator while under way, Is counting against your cycles. Probably not if no charging and or drawdown is happening, if your batteries are not gaining or losing any charge then the internal resistance is higher then the resistance of your loads, so all the power from solar is going directly to loads.  The battery really can not tell the difference between that and doing nothing. With the caveat that they would notice some fluctuations or ripples in the voltage.  

Generally speaking it takes 100 of small draw downs and recharges to equal one cycle lost.  You are a probably losing more capacity to just plan calendar life lose then from cycle life lose is most situations with LiFePo4, when not doing large drawdowns to under 20% back to full, they maintain they Capacity very well.  

My pack is now 10 years old, I have lived aboard for over eight years of there life using them as a house bank (many small drawdowns to say 90-85% daily, and have Cruised the last 2 years meaning large draw downs a couple of times a month when I switch anchorages/marines as I travel. Generally I only draw them down to a little less then 50% on most travel days.  But occasionally go down as far as 30%.  I like to keep plenty of reserve capacity incase things don't go well.  After 10 years, I have no measurable difference in there rated capacity.

What follows is "internet theory"  Some of that amazing lack of capacity lose may be do to Winston manufacturing  there 1000ah cells with some reserve capacity. Meaning they may have Really been 1010 ah Cells originally.  Most cell manufacturers no longer under rate there cells anymore.  When large prismatic cells where new, they where a little over engineered for warranty purposes, but once the manufacturers had real word data on actual reliability they did less over engineering.  

But either way my Winston LiFePo4 cells are still delivering like new performance ten years later.  

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