Sunday, March 17, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: New member, new electric & solar powered motorboat


I'm not sure we are all comparing apple to apples here on efficiency.
I thought I was doing good with 15% eff., then I started wondering while reading some of these posts with everyone talking 18-20% however my panels eff. is calculated using gross panel area, not the total the individual cell's area. When calculating eff. I'm considering the frame and space between modules too. The individual module probably is about 18-20% eff. but I'm not exactly sure. How this calculation is done is a very important distinction when comparing.
I'm getting 260W in a 42x56" panel in a well constructed, heavy duty aluminum frame with 1/4" tempered glass and paid about $125/watt. Made in the USA btw. They  are a bit heavier than ideal but very robust, (you can actually walk on the panel but not recommended), and should stand the test of time.

From: James Sizemore <>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Re: New member, new electric & solar powered motorboat

Those panels are only 18% efficient  you have to have TWO 50w 30x20 inch panels to equal 100watts. So a total of 60x20 inch.    The panels Myles posted are 20% efficient and are made from top of the line cells. 100w = 41x21 inch.  My only fear with the flexible panels is will the plastic membrane discolor over time.  Glass my be heavy but it does stay clear.  Still the weigh savings is nice.  I am thinks of ordering a few of the Sacred solar panels to see what they really look like up close. 

On Mar 17, 2013, at 3:27 AM, Yme Bosma wrote:

g. 100w at 40x32inch, and 200w at the same size.. I was only looking at the latter ones, they seemed very efficient at that size...

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