Friday, May 20, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Electric dory


A Sweet Pea is a fine little boat. I have a Torqeedo 1003 that I use with a 16 foot sailing dingy. My guess is that you would be able to drive your boat at around 2 knots for at least 5 hours. Full out I would guess a top end of around 3.5 knots but it would only do that for 30 minutes. For peace of mind, you ought to consider a second battery.
Their speed/range charts seem to match up with reality pretty well.
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:10 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Electric dory

I have just built a 15 foot 7 dory shaped boat designed by Phil Bolger called sweet pea , unfortunately due to medical problems I may never be able to row it long distances from now on , can some one give me a few ideas about my options for electric power , only want it to be as fast or slightly faster than rowing but I want a range of several hours cruising time .

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