Monday, February 10, 2020

Re: [electricboats] 15 KW DC l electric conversikon

I bought a cool gadget to attach to my phone. It is a heat sensor device. Flir. My bigger concern is bad connections where you see immediate heat issues if they arise In the marine environment corrosion is often hidden from visual inspection Since addressing all of my connections I have had clear sailing. My cell configuration is cylinders with solid copper bus bars. The cell separation from each other in this configuration allows for natural cooling. I have made no consideration for venting for cooling at this time. My boat is in San Diego.  My battery bank is big enough that I have yet to see any concerning heat issues. Cheers 

Best regards,
Larry Schmitz

On Monday, February 10, 2020, 2:06 PM, THOMAS VANDERMEULEN <> wrote:

I've built boxes that restrain the batteries in all directions, and which will be affixed to rails bolted to the hull.  The battery cells will not move even if the boat goes inverted.  Only a catastrophic failure of the hull will wrest the batteries from their homes.  [ABYC Standard E-10 for Storage Batteries allows movement of up to one inch
I'm still mulling over the best method to cover the boxes, though.  And although the shrink-wrapping concept is attractive for its advantages in sealing out moisture, I worry about the fact that they also tend to seal in heat generated from both charging and discharging.  Charge & discharge rates are not typically as high as those experienced in an electric car.  But preventing overheating on a boat at sea would be a high priority.  Wouldn't the enclosure require some form of air circulation?  [Again, ABYC E-10 requires this.]
What, if anything, are you doing to vent the packages?

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