Monday, July 8, 2019

[Electric Boats] 24V to 96V Operating Range from a Single Outboard


My name is Scott Masterson

I produce the Stealth E40, a true 40HP electric outboard. I am writing the group to ask the groups opinion of what level of interest may exist in an electric outboard that can be operated in pack voltage ranges from 24V to 96V.

Though the Stealth E40 has enjoyed some level of success, it is somewhat limited to it's customer base because it is built on a 144V system. While the motor's price point of under $10,000 is very competitive, a proper battery pack, BMS, charger and monitor will nearly double the price.

I have been approached a number of times to produce a smaller outboard, say around 20HP. I thought about it and it seems to me that the best solution may be a single outboard that used the right components and was built in such a manner that the customer can make a one time purchase in the outboard of $4,800 dollars, then choose the pack voltage that best suits their performance requirements and be budget sensitive at the same time. If one wanted only a 24V pack to operate at 6HP, then four 6V golf cart batteries will do nicely. For those who need more power, the same outboard can deliver 24HP with a 96V pack.

At the same time, the right design should be lightweight, under 100 pounds, to make possible use on lighter small boats. This will be done by removing the more sensitive electronics out from under the cowl and placing them in a water proof case where the user can remove the case after use. The outboard will house only the motor. Phase wires will be fed through the lower cowl and attached easily with a single one piece Anderson quick connect. Likewise, the DC power pack connections will connect in the same way with a single one piece Anderson quick connect. No 12V logic accessory will be necessary.

This is only in the concept stage at this time, although I have used each and every component previously in similar applications, so I am confident in the concepts success.

Here is a video from years ago where I had put together a 48V outboard using a similar concept. It is a little crude, but I think you will get the idea.

Also, I am attaching pics of the outboard lower leg being considered and a drawing of how the portable electronic components case may be look. All input, good or bad, will be appreciated.

Scott Masterson

Stealth Electric Outboards



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