Monday, June 16, 2014

Re: [Electric Boats] PV efficiency, today


Of the top 10 commercial manufacturers, there is little real difference.
All are about 20%, from 19.1% efficiency to 22.5%.
3% between the best, sunpower, and the lowest, solartech, is likely
offset by size/cost/cabling etc. thats has 5-10% variations.

This is still from 2012.
Today, everyone is a bit better.

These numbers are also well seen in analyst conference calls and
investor reports.
Its essentially why the same-size panel was 125 W 5-7 years ago, and is
now 300W.

Panels are a bit lighter, bit thinner, use a bit less materials, have
better wiring, and the electronics are a bit better (a lot cheaper, though).
And efficiency has gone from 10-14% to about 20%.

Likely, efficiency will keep climbing 0.5-1.5% year/year, and panel
overall costs/watt go down about 10% yr/yr.

Research modules are at 40%+, from several efforts, and the cycle to
products is already short.
Note the electronics are still about 30-40% of total cost, and this is
dropping fast.
Likely, this will go down to under 10% within 1-2 years.
Electronics production cost is near-zero.

The MPPT controllers are similar to many other electronics gizmos like
variable frequency drives, and servo controllers, DC or AC.
They cost about 30-50€ to make, irrespective of 100W, 1 kW, 2 kW or a
bit more.

And not a lot more for 5 kw - in bigger ones, there are still some
slightly more expensive components in them.
The costs of these are also dropping fast.

(I *know* they are not the same.
But all these control variable fields from or to DC or AC, using a
variety of techniques.
Its not too material in production cost terms weather you take in DC and
output 220V AC, or vice versa).

On 13/06/2014 01:42, James Sizemore [electricboats] wrote:
> You can see the efficiency leaders in each category below and the link
> will take you too a good site for panel efficient ratings. If your
> Chinese manufacturer is telling you there panels are 20% efficient and
> they don't use SunPower cells then you should buy your panels
> someplace else.

-hanermo (cnc designs)


Posted by: Hannu Venermo <>
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