Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[Electric Boats] Questions for a small electric motor.


Hello everyone. I have been part of this group for a number of years. I have just kept myself in the background reading post. I am ready to start the design aspect of my boat.

I want to build a small 10'x 3' boat and use a 12v power source to move her along. I have played with my trolling motor for a while. I have been using it on my canoe for sometime. It is a 50# thrust 12v motor. Now this may sound strange to some of you but I removed the stock prop and bolted on a RC airplane prop. From what I have found over the past year of swapping out the two props is the RC prop gets a bit more speed and the range also increased as well.

One question I have is could I use a 12v RC electric motor with a gear box to run my little boat? or should I just stick to the simple trolling motor? I want a good range out of my two 120ah batteries. I have an old game fisher out board that the engine is shot on and could use the lower end as a means of connecting electric motor to. Thoughts? Thanks for reading my post. Oh yeah. Solar panels as a bimini to help keep it charged as well. Boat not built yet either. Still designing it. lol

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