Tuesday, June 12, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: Backups


I borrowed a friend's generator the last time I did this trip. But,
since I hadn't needed it at all on the way down or back, I figured it
was extra weight I could do without (heading to a race). But, since
the rental place only charges $25/day for the things, guess I'll be
safe next time.

So you did run the engine while using the charger, even though it's
not rated to do that? What is the possible danger in that practice then?


> I carry a little Honda generator for that situation. My charger is
> also rated to cope with that sort of 'abuse' (batteries under load
> while the charger is trying to charge them). The charger only puts
> out half the current required to run the motor at full speed, but
> running at half power gives me more than 3/4 of top speed anyway.

> Other than testing the concept (I ran for about an hour one day
> balancing the motor current against the output of the charger with
> the Honda fuming away on deck) - I've never needed to use the Honda
> in 'series hybrid' mode to get home. But I test and pack the Honda
> each outing anyway. My boat is a launch not a sail boat - so if my
> electrics fail, it's try to row the thing back or call for a tow. :-)

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