Thursday, July 15, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Elco outboards

Neil, don't forget to splash-proof everything !!
Even on a calm day, other boat's wakes may give you a bumpy ride.

What is the planing speed of your "flying leaf" (2 persons + motor + batteries) ?
The energy consumption (per mile) goes down, when she gets up planing.
But not with a wrong prop.

In a sailboat we don't consider the effect of planing, and can plan for one optimized prop.
Your case is different.
For longer range of your LiFePO's, you could actually use TWO motors - one small for cruising at slow speed with an optimized big prop (low pitched), and one big (the Elco) for planing speed, with a standard high pitch prop.
If you have the bucks for that, of course.

You could use higher voltage than 48V, if allowed. Then you don't need a big motor for planing.

Any photos of your boat ?


On Friday, 16 July 2021, 00:07:10 GMT+8, N. Simms <> wrote:

I'm considering powering my new Lillistone Fleet build with an Elco EP-9.9 outboard. Battery bank will be 48V 125Ah LiFePO4.

Anybody have any experience with these motors? Particularly in a semi-planing application? (Fleet will do 11+mph with a 4hp gas outboard and two adults aboard, over 20mph with a 9.9 gas outboard.)

Reliability, efficiency, repairability?


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