Monday, July 26, 2021

[electricboats] ontologies for maritime electronics?

(Possibly too far off topic? Let me know If you happen to have an interest in this or relevant knowledge, feel free to message me directly ( and let's discuss….)

Somewhat related to my questions about the viltron bluetooth connection - I'm working on software for easy remote monitoring and management of the electrical assets in the boats (with an eye to perhaps generalizing to EVs or home energy storage more broadly).  I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. So I started searching for existing ontologies for describing marine electrical assets, and I'm not winning.  Of course at the one end there is CIM, which can describe just about the entire power grid, but doesn't actually seem to have any models for mobile equipment or DC loads. At the other extreme is something like this paper (IEEE login required) which offers a model developed by the Royal Navy to test parameters for a proposed all-electric drive destroyers (who knew?).  I don't find much in between and I feel like I'm not searching effectively because its not my background field.  I'm thinking about extending this DTDL model for energy grids which is a version of the CIM thing and does include some stubs for EVs and EV Charging stations, but nothing marine. I don't have access to the ABYC standards and don't feel like paying $50 each for them, but my understanding is that they have lists of guidance but not a standardized ontology, is that right?

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