Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Coolant Recommendations

Hi Dan,

As I recall, you are living in a warm place ?

Distilled (not purified) water will be fine, and it cools better than any special liquids will.
Distilled water contains no ions to make corrosion possible.
It will not prevent freezing, of course.

You can even tap it right from your aircon drain at home (if it is clean).
Boil it before use for desinfection.

I guess "waterless" does not mean "ion-less", so I do not know the performance of the special products when combining copper and aluminum.
Consult your dealer for product specs, if you trust him.


On Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 02:57:50 GMT+8, Dan Pfeiffer <dan@pfeiffer.net> wrote:

I am ready to fill my cooling system with coolant.  The controller cooler has a copper tubing and the motor is aluminum.  Hoses are PVC and the heat exchanger is copper+aluminum.   Any specific recommendations for coolant out there?   Anything to stay away from? 

I found this list on a search for coolant for aluminum motors:

The water-less coolant may be interesting? 

Seems there is no point in trying to be frugal when the whole system will take about 2 liters.  If I have to mix the coolant with water I will use distilled water. 

Thanks, Dan Pfeiffer

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