Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Re: [Electric Boats] 18650 cells for propulsion bank?


Nice going, Jason. Sounds like an excellent application for those things. The price was right, performance is acceptable, weight is nil. I like it.

So how did you test your cells before soldering them together? Or did you? Because I have heard that these ebay etc 18650s can have a lot of underperforming ones in the bunch.

Two trips out to your boat... how far is that? miles? minutes?

When I pick up my mail Friday I expect to see my new e-bike battery waiting for me, just as something to compare. 20ah, 48v, with charger, $460. If it performs as advertised I might buy a few more of them for a "Oh no! Batts are dead and I am allllllllmost home!" emergency bank for Mr Wiggles. Weight is insignificant and I can stow them basically anywhere. I just wish I could afford 400 to 600ah worth of them.

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