Monday, September 2, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] Anyone selling an electric propulsion setup cheap?


Jason, that may have been me. I posted a 6.7kw D&D electric motor that I removed from a 24' boat with all the supporting parts (controller/converter/charger/gauges/cradle/shaft coupler/batteries etc) but as it happens it all was sold just last week. 

On 2013-09-01, at 8:20 PM, Jason Taylor <> wrote:


Earlier this summer, someone on this list was selling an electric conversion they no longer needed, and this at a very good price, batteries included. I was unable to jump on it at the time.
Today, a friend called me in a bind. His atomic4 has thrown a rod and he is looking to rip it out and convert. But, he's even more of a cheap bastard than I am. I'm pretty sure he can source some batteries locally, but the drive system is what's lacking.

The boat is a Paceship 29 (C&C 29-1 hull).
The sailing conditions are May-October, on a freshwater lake in the st. Lawrence river. Some current, sometimes. He is very capable of making-do and changing his plans according to conditions of weather and boat.

So, a 3-5kW direct-drive would likely suit him fine. I'm going to point him at the smaller Thunderstruck sailboat kit if nothing pops up in eastern Canada or the NE states.

So how about it? Anyone sitting on an uninstalled conversion collecting dust? Now's your chance to pass the dream off to someone else!



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